A Blogger who Shun Social Media Traffic but Embraced SEO

The Online General used to write a lot, but his discourse was solely meant for Search Engines. He believed to achieve more on organic traffic than on social or community forums. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) chipped in the virtual opinions, navigating the massive webmasters across the globe characterized the packaged life of a blogger.

The Blogger would sometimes share groundbreaking facts on Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter. Living online, working online, chatting online, shopping online, betting online and booking essential services online among others were quite disruptive, entertaining, attention-grabbing technologies that made life better.

The self-proclaimed Online General shunned social media influence, deploying hashtag (#) skills to widen distribution chain.

Content marketing became a norm as a new uncertified profession emerged. Blogging is one of the few ventures that deserve forgiving nature to failure(s) because human interaction cannot be controlled. Sometimes a few clicks, result to less conversion, ultimately reducing the capability for revenue generation.

Virtual reality must be embraced as it stands to benefit the world more. Basing on the disruptive technologies, the blogosphere has revolutionized the world. The indomitable juggernaut waded into the wandering world through blog writing

He regularly published instant news, wrote investigative political and policy reports, dispersed tech based articles and researched on environment and climate. His story rotated around building mind blowing ideas reflected on numerous blogs that mostly targeted Google attention. 

Link building was a hobby to drive web users treading internet pathways. He advocated a one-stop blog post to elicit users information in a three dimensional perspective.  He believed in the power of words that spring to action. 

The OG had seen his online empire cripple numerically encrypted in figure 0125, as he continued speculating success in fantasy. He was almost cornered to the extent of hitting a hard rock at high speed. His brainstormed ideas nigh projects coded 0406 gave him hope that he would one day work for Google.

He embedded ideas through provision of integral links, where necessary. He believed on time compliance. “We use hours and minutes to test the probability of luck because it keeps on repeating itself, unlike any other unit of measuring time,” he claimed in a number 0347 coded message on December 20, 2020.

Something of an afterthought, code number 0152, popped up on his mind: “You must keep your brain working all the time”. This was after he got a reminder from cipher 0344 that the more frequent some numbers are the luckier you are in life.

He thought more about figures that does miracles. He believed in the power of cryptocurrencies as opposed to centralized currencies. He explored various cryptocurrencies trading platforms while deciphering the best crypto trading site

Sometimes, he opted for freelance platforms that rewarded labor with cryptocurrencies such Bitcoin and Dogecoin. The OG believed in crypto investment. 

His affection for nature is summarized in his kindle book titled: “Tracing the Past Steps: Echo of Father’s Memories”. According to him human character was largely shaped by the environment, including family, friends, relatives and even plants.

The self-proclaimed Online General liked delivering unbiased content across the globe. His blog posts characterized as investigative and entertaining kept his online guests retracing their way back to his site. 


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