Why Money is not just everything you need for Happiness

Most people esteem living a cozy life, and with this in mind they strive to earn more money. Monetary chess is often an endless game. 

As you earn more, you yearn for more to come. Individuals, agencies, companies and authorities in power have become corrupt because of the insatiable desire to have much money to the inconvenience of others.

Money Matters

As the adage would have it, money can move mountains. With money you can acquire as much as you need. The only thing that money can’t buy is happiness. Every day you wake up, finding yourself breathing free oxygen, then be generous to thank the Almighty Creator, God.

We’ve seen people with money suffering from chronic ailments, and ultimately losing the battle. With money you can go to a State-of-the-art hospital, hire the best physicians but you can’t purchase life. 

Living is a great privilege accorded free of charge to all humans. Your government can tax you, but God cannot even demand a single penny from you. All the church offerings are literarily consumed by our fellow species – the clergy and the less fortunate in the society.

Living My Life

The village life remains a classic reference of the modesty existence where kids of distinct social stature freely mingle. Such setup exposes both divides to a glimpse of the life of the other, with each acknowledging their existences devoid of close discernment.

The past activity that will be a missing link in the posterity is where kids used to play together and be served food from a single family. Digital kids are more than advised not to eat in their neighbors’ house(s), or they risk being disciplined.

Kids from moneyed families are restricted from interacting with their counterparts from humble backgrounds. Both kids are prohibited from having a prevue of the other side of the world. 

The kids from both ends are disadvantaged in a way or the other. The rich kid in the urban setup might not understand the other part of the disadvantaged world. 

On the other part, the poor kid might not comprehend the better life. The child can easily grow not working hard to evade the poverty life. Disparity among such kids makes them deprived more.

Even Kings, Queens, Legends, Heroes and Heroines bend to obey certain laws that seem to fetter human operations. The global Covid-19 pandemic was a greater equalizer of the digital era – where billionaires of the fame of Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos were touring the space.

Memoirs of a Childhood Experience

The world might sound so natural to the person who lived a modest life. The only species on planet earth that should not have entertained bragging rights is the human sort. Living your life and never minding other people’s business is the best option of avoiding clashes.

The more you seek to know the truth or delve deeper into a matter that doesn’t concern you, then you are prone to hurt yourself more than your current status. 

The more you snoop on your neighbors’ progress, the more the breaks you apply on your own advancement. Avoid being jealous about other people because your envy deprives you blessings. Make your own steps and apply the necessary variations for faster growth.

As you augment your fortunes, give back to the society for more blessings. The late Vice President Wamalwa Kijana was able to withstand the vagaries of political changes due to his generosity but don’t be generous to a fault as you might go poor.


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