Personal Angle: Destiny can be delayed, but can’t be denied

As the adage would have it, destiny can be delayed, but can’t be denied. On your journey to progress, you will encounter imponderable obstructions. But how you handle those obstacles will determine your next step.

The barricades you encounter should not be a hindrance, but a wakeup call for change of tact. Learn from the mistakes and improve on your strategies. Try a little A/B testing, visualize the changing patterns and pick the most appropriate.

Successful individuals are those who don’t fear taking risks. Show me a person who has never taken risks and succeeded and I will show you a guy who progressed without hazards but failed to rise when he was struck with a mishap.

Challenges shape humanity and act as a rear mirror to reflect on your past failure in order to progress well. Some things happen in life to show you proper direction. Failure is underpinned on the ability to repeat doing the same thing over time and expect distinct results.

Never underestimate the ability of another person, for he or she might be your savior when on your downward trend. 

Education is the equalizer, but natural intelligence can guarantee more results than going to school with the aim of passing exams and securing a good job.

Working hard is good; fighting for promotion is also good, but you should remember that you cannot thrive well when you overtly depend on your salary. Having an entrepreneurial mind acts as a catalyst to financial freedom.

The journey to financial freedom is dependent with personality and not education. Natural intelligence puts the educated and the less educated at par. Natural intelligence dictates individuals to start with baby steps and aim higher.

On the contrary, acquired intelligence decrees one to find a good job, take a mortgage buy a decent abode. Fight for promotion, take a fat loan and the sequence continues. Most of the working class people are enmeshed in a miasma of seeking loans to finance both their recurrent and development expenses.

Taking a loan isn’t a bad idea, but one must look at the rate of return that the project he or she is seeking to finance and see if it’s viable to sustain loan repayment.

In the current world where there are more jobless educated people than the uneducated lot, individuals are advised to subject their careers to entrepreneurism where they can earn from the services they provide.

How Networking Shapes Civilization

Networking is important as it defines human civilization. No person can afford to thrive while living in total isolation. The ability to interact and exchange ideas enhances the efficacy of building own personality with a view to develop.

Learning is a continuous process and we are able to know more if we interact more, both physically and on online platforms. The advent of internet opened up the world to more interactions, where human beings learn from each other regardless of the distance.

Webinars and Podcasts have been a major tool used in the dissemination of information across the globe. Motivation speakers have been able to attract a larger audience using the online tools. 

Make use of the internet and frequently engage Search Engines to learn more. 


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