
Personal Angle: Destiny can be delayed, but can’t be denied

As the adage would have it, destiny can be delayed, but can’t be denied. On your journey to progress, you will encounter imponderable obstructions. But how you handle those obstacles will determine your next step. The barricades you encounter should not be a hindrance, but a wakeup call for change of tact. Learn from the mistakes and improve on your strategies. Try a little A/B testing , visualize the changing patterns and pick the most appropriate. Successful individuals are those who don’t fear taking risks. Show me a person who has never taken risks and succeeded and I will show you a guy who progressed without hazards but failed to rise when he was struck with a mishap. Challenges shape humanity and act as a rear mirror to reflect on your past failure in order to progress well. Some things happen in life to show you proper direction. Failure is underpinned on the ability to repeat doing the same thing over time and expect distinct results. Never underestimate the ability of another

Why Money is not just everything you need for Happiness

Most people esteem living a cozy life, and with this in mind they strive to earn more money. Monetary chess is often an endless game.  As you earn more, you yearn for more to come. Individuals, agencies, companies and authorities in power have become corrupt because of the insatiable desire to have much money to the inconvenience of others. Money Matters As the adage would have it, money can move mountains. With money you can acquire as much as you need. The only thing that money can’t buy is happiness. Every day you wake up, finding yourself breathing free oxygen, then be generous to thank the Almighty Creator, God. We’ve seen people with money suffering from chronic ailments, and ultimately losing the battle. With money you can go to a State-of-the-art hospital, hire the best physicians but you can’t purchase life.  Living is a great privilege accorded free of charge to all humans. Your government can tax you, but God cannot even demand a single penny from you. All the church offerin

Entering into a Game that’s not meant for the Faint-Hearted

I n what could best be described as a game not meant for the faint-hearted, was the desire for progress that attracted inordinate risks.  Gaming was adopted to deceive people who are out to make quick riches. I saw my fortunes plummet as I delved deeper into the uncharted waters in my copious attempts to mint millions within a shorter period of time. As I pondered on the returns, I never wavered in my endeavors. When the magnitude of loses reached bitter proportion, I contemplated various ways to unravel the puzzle that could make my life a little better. Sometimes I almost gave up, but the persistence to succeed never erased my hopes. I did a personal research on the winning trends and patterns and came up with an innovation that trained various models and display speckled solutions. I deployed the mathematics I was taught at Kibabii High School by Mrs. Ann Khisa and the one I was taught at Maseno University, Probability and Statistics lessons, by Dr. Silas Onyango. The

For Excellent Results, try doing some Original Stuff

Never did I know that plagiarism is an own offense. If you are the type of a person who likes shortcuts in life, then you aren’t destined for greatness. Remain honesty to yourself and commit some task to your brain. To be progressive in life, always think and think big. Utilize your mind effectively and meditate on things that can improve your life and your posterity. Seek knowledge where necessary and try to decipher it in your own tactic.  Things will always go the opposite when you copy paste other people’s ideas posing as your own. You might be lucky to rise at some point, but your fortunes can easily plummet without warning.  The advent of the internet demanded online presence. Individuals, businesses, institutions and authorities endeavored to stamp their popularity on Search Engines to attract broader clientele.  Google algorithm can easily rank highly optimized sites of a similar content with yours based on their originality and timing. Google AI could easily bypas

Redeeming Your Self Worth for diverse Setup

Always remain optimistic no matter what, and never degrade yourself. Cynics remain deprived because of failure to rise up when struck with a problem. Challenges are there in human life, and we must always be prepared to face them whenever they come. In life you should not underrate anyone, even if you are blessed to rise to a top-rated echelon. Those at the bottom were steps of the ladder you were using to climb to the top. In every establishment there ought to be people of every caliber in order to create a symbiotic balance. Just imagine having all people at the same level of expansion, then who will dig your grave when you die. Never underestimate other people in the society.  Underrating others is akin to reprimanding God’s work. When rising, never lose the common touch. Reach out to your old buddies, find out how they are doing and help where necessary. Forgetting your past is like a river with a drying source. Keep in mind that charity will always begin at home. Your

Living the Life that his Father never lived

Walking along the strides of his father, a child is supposed to be shaped in consonance with the contemporary setup.  Juggling his life, he knew he was lost in a miasma. With all intends and purpose, his posterity had to live his dreams. Great parents will always strive to make their children live a better life than what they live. The book titled : “ Tracing the Past Steps: Echo of Father’s Memories ” reveals the bond generated between a father and his son after he had neglected them for years, while savoring the pleasures of City life.  You can envy your brother, sister, parent, neighbor or friend; but you cannot envy your kid. If you are a parent and you envy your child, then you are a psychiatric case. When the world was on verge of tremendous upheavals, both the boy child and the girl child were imperiled as parents, guardians and elders failed to gag them from drastic erosion of civility. Technological innovations paved way for focus on the need of parental guidance.

A Blogger who Shun Social Media Traffic but Embraced SEO

The Online General used to write a lot, but his discourse was solely meant for Search Engines. He believed to achieve more on organic traffic than on social or community forums. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) chipped in the virtual opinions, navigating the massive webmasters across the globe characterized the packaged life of a blogger. The Blogger would sometimes share groundbreaking facts on Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter . Living online, working online, chatting online, shopping online, betting online and booking essential services online among others were quite disruptive, entertaining, attention-grabbing technologies that made life better. The self-proclaimed Online General shunned social media influence, deploying hashtag (#) skills to widen distribution chain. Content marketing became a norm as a new uncertified profession emerged. Blogging is one of the few ventures that deserve forgiving nature to failure(s) because human interaction cannot be cont